location à Quiberon
Rent a flat in  Quiberon
To contact me - Kontakt

By phone - Telefonieren Sie mich

0033 2 97 30 52 14

Write  to me - Schreiben Sie mich

M. Claude Le Tenehuic
place d'Armor
56170 Quiberon / France

If needed I will send you a rental agreement including all key information,
Wenn nötig, werde ich   Ihnen einen Mietvertrag mit einer Beschreibung senden

Or send me a mail - oder schreiben Sie mich ein Mail

to this mail address, Verwenden Sie diese Adresse
(replace the XXX by @ , Ersetzen Sie XXX durch  par  @   )

Or use this form/Oder verwenden Sie dieses Formular

(*) Requested field
Your name -Ihre Name (*) :
Emailadresse (*) :
address - Adresse :

Phone number - Telefonnummer (*) :

Subject - Betreff (*) :
Wished period - Gewünschte Periode :

Your message - Ihre Nachricht (*) :

Help :

Code Syntax :

  • <color=CodeHexadecimal></color> enables text colouring.
    Note : Instead of the hexadecimal code (#??????), you can specify the name of the colour(red, yellow, orange, green, blue, etc...). For extra info...
  • <bgcolor=CodeHexadecimal></bgcolor> enables the colored highlighting of a text.
    Note : Instead of the hexadecimal code (#??????), you can specify the name of the colour(red, yellow, orange, green, blue, etc...). For extra info...
  • <b></b> enables the emboldening of a text.
  • <i></i> enables the italicising of a text.
  • <u></u> enables the underlining of a text.
  • <cite></cite> enables quotation inserting.
    Note : You can specify the name of the authors by typing <cite=Author>
  • <code></code> enables code inserting.
    Note : You can specify the language by typing <code=LanguageName>
  • <left></left> enables left align.
  • <center></center> enables center align.
  • <right></right> enables right align.
  • <link></link> enables link inserting.
    Note : You can specify the link URL by typing <link=URL>text</link>. If you do not specify the link URL, the URL will be the one between the two tags.<link>URL</link>
  • <img=SmileyName> enables smiley insertion.
    Note : The names of available basic smileys are : cool, wink, biggrin, smile, frown, eek, mad, confused, rolleyes, tongue, cry. For extra info...

Access keys (under Windows) :

  • Key SHIFT + arrow (right or left) enables text selection
  • Key ALT + 2 enables toolbar selection
  • Key ALT + 3 enables editing zone selection
  • Key ALT + 4 displays Help
  • Key ALT + 5 hides Help
  • Key TAB enables going from one selection to the next
  • Key SHIFT + TAB enables going from one selection to the previous
  • Key ALT + arrow (towards bottom or top) enables folding out of the selected menu
  • Key ALT + arrow (towards bottom or top) enables the folding up of a spread out menu
  • Key arrow (towards bottom or top) enables the browsing through a spread out menu
  • Key ALT + s enables form sending

   |     |  Bold  Italic  Underline  Align Left  Center justify  Align Right  Insert a link  Insert Smiley (popup)  Preview (popup)  Display Help   
smiley cool  smiley wink  smiley biggrin  smiley smile  smiley frown  smiley eek  smiley mad  smiley confused  smiley rolleyes  smiley tongue  smiley cry 

Attach file :

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